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Elpidio Pezzella (Naples, 1971), blogger, writer, preacher. Raised spiritually in the shadow of the pastor Remo Cristallo (Christian Church of the Evangelical New Pentecost), he went through a ministerial process which saw him fill roles in the various areas: children, young people, adults. Christian aspirant and passionate about the Bible, he loves to write and read: he was responsible for the EPA Media publishing house, in 2003 he launched the Christian information magazine Oltre, of which he is editor in chief from the first to the last issue, writes and publishes books. In 2010 he graduated in Theology from the Pentecostal Faculty of Religious Sciences with the thesis in New Testament exegesis "The parrhesìa in the first Christian communities according to the book of Acts". Since 2011 he has been the editor in chief of Oδos, the journal of the Pentecostal Faculty of Religious Sciences. With a pastoral heart, he has always put his leadership coach skills to train young servants through biblical training activities and seminars. His lessons on biblical deepening are broadcast by some Christian broadcasters in the television programs Believers in Construction and Studying the Word. The latter gave the name to the series that houses some of his publications. His messages encourage faith and motivate on the Christian journey, also through the network and the dedicated channel. Married happily to Gabriella, they have three splendid children: Gioele, Elia and Jeremy.

"In fact, God is a witness to me as I love you all with deep affection in Christ Jesus. And I pray that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and in all discernment, so that you may appreciate the best things, so that you will be clear and irreprehensible for the day of Christ, be filled with fruits of justice which are obtained through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God ".

Philippians 1: 8-11


With Paul's words for the Philippians, I intend to present my commitment to teaching and encouraging all believers, for whom the affection I feel in the Lord is sincere and profound. What animates me is to see the Church grow in knowledge and discernment, in order to be able to appreciate the best things, those that do not divide or destroy, but which, even if they were to demolish, are then followed by construction work, so that each believer is filled with fruits of justice. In all respects, I have only one desire in mind, to give glory and praise to God.



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To respond to the aspiration and desire of so many honest believers to smuggle the talents received, I have pledged to train faithful men and women for "a service that serves", following the invitation of Jesus (Mt 20: 26-27). The proposed material aims to offer opportunities for training and personal growth not to be feared by others, but a sharing to grow together, far from controversy, accusations and any form of judgment aimed at fueling unnecessary disagreements and disputes. I'm trying!


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