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Biblically raised in the shadow of humble and wise spiritual mentors, in looking at the current state of the churches, I think it is necessary to reach the latest arrivals and those who, although for some years in the churches, have so far not received the necessary biblical indications for their growth in the faith, especially targeting the younger ones. This also in the observation that fewer and fewer people find joy and pleasure in preparing to offer their service.


At some point in my journey of faith, full of both spiritual and natural experiences, son, brother, friend, boyfriend, husband, father, colleague, neighbor and much more I came to a firm decision: to train and educate people in the faith and in Christian service. I lived directly on my person the imperative of Jesus to make disciples, receiving the foundations of faith and the pillars of Pentecostal doctrine from pastor Remo Cristallo first and from pastor Michele Passaretti then, in the bosom of the churches New Pentecost. In this dynamic ecclesial reality I saw my life grow in the stature of the teachers I had, following the experience of the Sunday School, the care of young people, pastoral collaboration, the ministry.


Over the years I noticed that it was not wheat, but "tree planted along the rivers" (Psalm 1). But a tree is projected to a decade, if in good ground maybe a twenty year. For my life Someone had more lasting plans: that is why the desire to grow in knowledge and to recognize that despite the commitment the service was always limited, I continually questioned myself. I found the stimuli and the opportunity to go after an ecclesial doctrinal formation on a theological path at the academic level, which allowed me to meet new mentors in the people of Pastor Mario Affuso, of prof. Pawel Gawesky and Lorenzo Scornaienchi, and the principal, brother and pastor, Carmine Napolitano.


In constantly seeing my life formed, how can I not make the choice to work to train and educate the life of all those believers that the Lord will want to put on my path? To train without manipulating, to educate without fomenting, because the seed of the Gospel feeds love and respect. My commitment will never rise as the guardian of truth and champion of doctrine. I believe that in listening to the other, in comparison with the other, I am sure I can always meet or listen to my Lord. All this animates my messages.



To respond to the aspiration and desire of so many honest believers to smuggle the talents received, I have pledged to train faithful men and women for "a service that serves", following the invitation of Jesus (Mt 20: 26-27). The proposed material aims to offer opportunities for training and personal growth not to be feared by others, but a sharing to grow together, far from controversy, accusations and any form of judgment aimed at fueling unnecessary disagreements and disputes. I'm trying!


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